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Need help


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Dec 18, 2011
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Hello. I have a iphone 4 that has been jailbroke once before. It had ios 5.0.1. My problem is that it froze up on the apple logo and I had to use itunes to restore it and had it updated to ios 6.1.3 firmware. I haved tried to downgrade to ios 6.0.1 for an untethered jailbreak useing the newest version of redsnow. I made a new folder on my desktop and I put redsnow in it and I also ,unzipped ios 6.0.1 firmware to the folder but when I use redsnow to select the IPSW, it won't select it. Can anyone please guide me through this process one more time. I jailbroke it the first time with lottle problem but this time has been a real headache. If someone could give me step by step instructions it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Hello. When I try to jailbreak using redsnow, it says "Missing Keys. plist data for this build." Then its got my phone info.
Device: iphone 4
Ecid: xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Build: iphone3, 1_6.1.3_10B329
Do i need to download an older firmware such as ios 5.1.1 and then hit, "select ipsw". Do I need to use winzip and unzip the ios 5.1.1 firmware to my desktop where i can find it. I have jailbroke this same iphone once before but I seem to be having very similiar problems as before. Any help or suggestions is greatly appreciated. I apologize for my stupidity but this is very complicated for me. Thanks in advance for any help.
*Sigh* You follow the instructions to downgrade and replace 5.1.1 with 6.1 if you want to downgrade to 6.1. I'm pretty sure that's common sense.
Hello. The problem I'm having is converting the .dmg file to ipsw file format. I downloaded poweriso but I'm still having problems. When I try to open the file to convert it, it says the file format is invalid or unsupported. Can someone tell me the best way to convert the .dmg file to a ipsw file. Any help is greatly appreciated.
You don't need to convert any .DMG files into IPSW...... You're downloading using Internet Explorer. All you have to do is change the .zip or .rar file that comes out to a .IPSW.
Hello. Can anyone please help me? Heres my problem. I have an iphone 4 that I have been using just to watch movies and play games. It has no sims card. I had it jailbroken when it was running ios 5.0.1 but it finally froze up on the spinning wheel after about 2 yrs. I restored it through itunes and it updated it to the ios 6.1.3 and now I.m having lots of trouble trying to rejailbreak it. tried downloading ios 6.0 and hitting the "select ipsw" and trying to downgrade but my iphone screen goes to matrixing and will freeze up about half way through the process but finally run all the way through. But it goes back to No sims card installed screen and wont activate. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Thanks. I used redsnow to just restore it back to ios 5.0.1 and did a remote blob, then jailboke it. Now it back like it was. Thanks for your help.
To be honest, the best philosophy to follow for iPhones would be if it ain't broke, don't fix it. iOS 5 is still an extremely viable iOS, and iOS 6 doesn't break ground breaking changes to any of the devices really. Whatever you can do on iOS 6, you can do the same on iOS 5, maybe even better considering there are more bugs for iOS 6 than there are iOS 5 in terms of Cydia tweaks since iOS 5 is an iOS that had a lot of its tweaks refined and updated to be practically bug-free.

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