Netflix App finally available for Apple iPhone and iPad

Netflix App finally available for Apple iPhone and iPad


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May 27, 2010
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We knew it was coming and we were frothing at the mouth just waiting for it. I've got Netflix streaming on almost any device in my house with a screen.... now the iPhone and iPad can stream Netflix as well.

If you are unfamiliar with Netflix, it's an online service that allows you to rent DVD's by mail and also to stream a large selection (not everything, but a good selection) to any manner of devices that support it.

I am constantly streaming movies and TV shows so I don't have to wait for DVD's to arrive by mail. This feature alone has made Netflix a great service for me.

You can get the streaming app via the iTunes store at this link: Netflix App
Now I can be in the same room while my wife watches those stupid real house wife shows( no offense to anybody who likes them). And the app works awesome.
Just tried it out also and it is great. Finally I can watch my tv shows while I am waiting at the airport.

Any idea what kind of data usage this is going to eat up?
Awesome app! Just downloaded it. I only have the 2g data plan so I shudder at the thought of this on 3G so it will be wifi only for me for this app, but still awesome.
Now I can be in the same room while my wife watches those stupid real house wife shows( no offense to anybody who likes them). And the app works awesome.

Ha ha. I was just thinking the same thing ;). My wife watches those annoying shows all the time ;).

Anyways, it's about time Netflix. The quality is pretty outstanding too on wifi as well as 3G out here where we're living at. Droid guys at work and friends today were pretty pissed off they don't have it on their phones lol.

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