New 4s owner): come from droid

New 4s owner): come from droid


New Member
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Feb 29, 2012
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I just recently purchased a used 4s, i have been using droid, curious to see what all the hype was about, well im not impressed with a stock iphone at all. i did jailbreak my phone, spent about 10 hours today going through cydia/winterboard personalising my phone, still not all that impressed with a jailbroke iphone, now that its JB it can do what a stock android can do.LOL

sorry to come on here and sound so negative on my first post.

im gonna try the phone for a while and see what happens.

What really has me sold it the battery cases like the Mophie, I need serious battery life without being tethered, this is huge for me, it is really the only thing keeping me from going back to droid.

Im looking for a couple droid type apps for the iphone

1) mecontacts
2)swift key x
3) voicemail icon/shortcut for the homescreen, rather opening the phone, it one extra step i dont like.

Thanks in advance for any help.
I never knew droid as i've never used a droid phone. Welcome to the forum :)
I also came from a droid. Droid X actually. I'm not to familiar with and of those apps other than Swift Key. But I have tried a few on the iPhone and nothing will come close to Swipe or that as far as I'm concerned. I won't consider going back to a droid until they can get decent battery life either.
Yeah im an ex driod user and i cant find a similar app to swipe. It is one of the only things I really miss!
I use my wifes phone to see if I like it...may wait to see what the iphone 5 will be like. I am on a droid charge and got away from the swype..I use the keyboard regular now. But yeah my wifes 4 has deffinately got my droid beat for battery life.....and what is drawing me to iphone is all the accessories....each tine I buy a new adnroid everything is totally different...charging cradles stay the same for iphone.......I may make the jump in October

Sent from my Awesome Verizon Droid Charge ! Using Tapatalk
Im not referring to swipe, i dont use swipe. I dont like having to go back and forth between two screens for the alphabet and the numbers/punctuation/symbols on the iphone. I like the long press on a letter to get a punctuation or number and the intuitiveness of like swift key x, it knows what your gonna type before you type it.

I know what ya mean about accesories though. Iphone has a ton of them

What really got me interested in the iphone is the battery cases, like MOPHIE for example. this here trumps all the negatives for me.

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