New Aerial Shots Reveal Progress on Apple’s New Campus 2

New Aerial Shots Reveal Progress on Apple’s New Campus 2


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Jun 18, 2010
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AppleInsider features some fantastic aerial shots today of the work that is currently being carried out on Apple’s new Campus 2 development.

Of particular note is the “Spaceship” Ring, where work seems to be going full steam ahead, with the latest shots showing that concrete panels have been placed to make a floor. Tunnels connected to parking garages are also visible.

Also connected to the Ring is a tunnel that will take the place of Pruneridge Avenue, which used to run through the site.

AppleInsider notes that another above-ground parking garage is almost completed, requiring only the addition of a top deck of solar panels to finish it off; quick work, indeed, since last September when work first began on the parking garage.

The aerial photos also provide some very good shots of the new underground theatre, complete with circular lobby, with work well-advanced, and the adjacent auditorium, which still needs much work to be done, by the looks of it!

According to construction permits, the auditorium complex should cost Apple approximately $161 million to build.

The massive Campus 2 project was first unveiled by the late Steve Jobs back in 2011, and is designed to house at least 12,000 employees.

Source: Exclusive March aerial tour of Apple Inc s Campus 2 shows Spaceship Ring tunnel theater progress more
Apple is probably the only company in the world able to build something like this and pay for it with cash on hand. I've been following this project with interest since it was announced.

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