New Features, Not Security, Make Us Want to Upgrade

New Features, Not Security, Make Us Want to Upgrade


iPhoneForums.Net News Team
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Jun 18, 2010
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TUAW reports today on a new survey from Chitika that looks into reasons why iOS users are motivated to upgrade to the next version of iOS – a very timely survey as we are on the verge of iOS 6 being launched next week. The survey actually looked at iOS adoption rates, finding that 12.5% of users installed iOS 5.1.1 within the first week of its release, in comparison to the 20% who upgraded to the much more feature-packed iOS 5 in the first seven days after its release. “Users of Apple mobile devices are, as a group, much quicker to upgrade their software when a new release touts new features, rather than security fixes,” Chitika notes.

TUAW says that generally speaking, iOS adoption rate is on the high side, and in particular when compared to Android, with new stats from Google revealing that only 7% of Android handsets run the current version of Android software – Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich – in comparison to the 83.3% of iOS users who are running a version of iOS 5.0 on their device.

Source: Chitika reports that features entice iOS users to update, not security | TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog
i think the only people who dont upgrade are mostly ones who want their jailbreak or rely on unlock and then of course you get the people who dont really understand the whole idea of upgrading or just dont want to at the risk of losing how they have their device setup..

Some very interesting figures ^^

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