New iphone 4 user! Should i jailbreak it?

New iphone 4 user! Should i jailbreak it?

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Yea I had jail broken my phone several times. I also had to restore it back several times. After a while the phone becomes very slow and unstable. What makes it worse I wasn't even using a theme. I was just using no more then 5 tweaks. Your best bet is to just keep it stocked. If you are going to jb just becareful of the tweaks you download.

I have over 30 tweaks installed rite now and my phone is just as fast as before I jailbroke.

However everyone and a while there is a tweak that really bogs down your device by itself.

One that comes to mind is Lockdown Pro. It's a great tweak...and stable within itself....but it will make your phone lag on its own. Shame...good's just too heavy I guess...and causes what I would consider a significant slow down.

I removed Lock Down Pro and the lag went away.

AppLocker works better.

Another tweak that can *slightly* slow down your phone is Music Controls Pro.

It will slow your phone down ever so slightly.....but considering what the tweak does its totally worth it...since I listen to music as much as possible.

The best thing to do with MC Pro is turn "Task Controls" off..and use your own Activator/QuickDo gesture...and make sure the nonfiction center addons are off as well....which they are by default anyway.

But in general takes about 35-45 tweaks installed before the phone starts to slow down(provided the tweaks you have are compatible, work well, and don't conflict with others).

If you go in Cydia and go under manage packages I have 71 packages downloaded and my iphone runs real smooth.

For me I install one thing at a time, use it for a little bit to make sure everything runs smooth before I decide to keep it or not.

If you go in Cydia and go under manage packages I have 71 packages downloaded and my iphone runs real smooth.

For me I install one thing at a time, use it for a little bit to make sure everything runs smooth before I decide to keep it or not.

A lot of those packages are not twekas, but just dependencies for other tweaks, and *31* of those packages are pre-installed on your device during the installation of Cydia.

So *not* counting the packages that come pre-installed you have 40 packages installed.
A lot of those packages are not twekas, but just dependencies for other tweaks, and *31* of those packages are pre-installed on your device during the installation of Cydia.

So *not* counting the packages that come pre-installed you have 40 packages installed.

GotchA. So OP scratch that, i have 40 things installed and runs perfect LOL.
Thank you all for your suggestions and tips!! Really appreciate that! So I jailbroke my phone last week, but after installing a bunch tweaks, the phone started crashing every 30 seconds. Whenever I lock it, and set it down. The next time i pick it up, and try to use it, it crashes... I tried to delete whichever tweak is causing the trouble, but nothing worked...

Heres my list of tweaks:
Desktop/SMS background
Fast lock
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InvisibleFolder - Winterboard
No Carrier Name
Springtomize 2
Transparent Status Bar

IOS is 5.1.1 btw...

Please help me!!
Any idea what might be the cause of the problem??

Oh and can anyone suggest some themes that changes the clock and stuffs? I used one that's called "Hollow or Ho][ow something... Don't really remember the name," thought it was good. But I want to use the theme that allows me to use my own desktop background, so that didn't work...

Anyway, thanks everyone!!!
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Im not saying you did or didnt so please dont take offense, just merely offering some insight.

If your downloading any of these tweaks through a 3rd party repo and not the original then that most likely is your problem.

Now if thats not the case then its simply a conflict of tweaks. Start removing them 1 by 1 until the problem stops. Start with the latest one first. If you cant do it through the phone, do a search on google for manually removing cydia tweaks. Hopefully you installed openssh as well.
@vhsmith37, you want to know why it's crashing, because you are installing piracy apps, you knew you were when you installed them but you did it anyway, so you'll get no help here and this thread is closed.

Don't be a pirate, uninstall those apps!

The Archangel
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