New member, New iPhone user

New member, New iPhone user


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Nov 23, 2010
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Hi, All Scottish technophobe here!! New to iPhone, have just got a 16gb 4 on contract.....what can i expect as a real time battery life? What do I need to do to get bluetooth to connect to other devices? It won't allow me to connect!!
Welcome to the forum!! Battery life really depends on usage but even with heavy browsing I find it will last the day quite easily. Unfortunately apple doesn't allow transfer of files ect over Bluetooth unless it's within an app that's mostly due to keep songs from being illegally shared.
Welcome from a fellow Scot.

With a lot of browsing on wifi it should last the day. If on 3G I find its slightly worse. Throw in an hour or so of games and you'll be charging before the end of the night. Bluetooth is fairly limited. It only useful for handsfree. You cant send photos, music or videos...
Welcome ....
My iPhone is Up to 120 hours of standby time

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