They are on cydia server. Yeah, its host file error. You should do the folowing. Download official 6.1 iOs and latest redsnow. Create custom Ipsw with shsh stich process. Use online option since you dont have it on computer. It will ask you to preserve bb i would say yes to it. Put the phone in DFU mode and do restore with redsnow without any errors. Jailbreak can be done with evasion. I didnt see which model of ip u have.
ok... few questions.
I was able to get my shsh using tiny umbrella, but they are for 5.1.1. I would like to restore to 6.1 but do not have the blobs for that. The "stich with online option" isnt showing up for me. So what is my best option just restore to 5.1.1 or find shsh for 6.1 ( which I'm not sure how to get )