New p/c I tunes will no transfur from I pod

New p/c I tunes will no transfur from I pod


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Feb 12, 2011
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Hi I am having a problem with a new I phone from Verizon .My Daughter got her I phone the past Wednesday and today still can not get it up and ruining a 100 %
Her p/c crashed a week ago it was old so she bought a new one. She got her I phone from Verizon in the mail .We down loaded I tunes to the new p/c, I thought I could just plug in her I Pod Touch to the p/c and put all of her music in form her I pod to I tunes and then put them on the I phone .Well It looks like Apple does not allow you to do this. It was not till to day That I ended up hooking up her I phone on my p/c with my I tune That I finally got the phone part to work. Took me three days just to get the phone to work. I can not believe she paid all this money for something that does not WORK she has well over 200 songs on her I pod and I do not think I will ever transfer them to her I phone Why does apple make this so hard to do and is there a way to get her music form her I pod to the New p/c I tunes so I can get them on the I phone IT CANT BE THIS HARD
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Thanks for the infor BUT it did not work She has the I Pod Touch 4 with the camera so When you go to my computer And hit the I pod drive all I get is all the pictures and no music filles ???
Looks like apple caught on with that little trick and put in a block so you can not see the music file in my computer on the touch 4