The iphone will still sell whether it be 3.5 or 4 inches.
Yeah I think 4.6 is ridiculous and knew that was not right, no way apple would go that route. But I was hoping for 4inches, with that screen resolution 4inches would have went along way. Its bigger than the standard 3.5 (which is played out to be honest) but still small enough that people can carry in their pockets. I think the cut off is around 4 to maybe 4.5 (unless you do like samsung did with the galaxy nexus). I do not like the samsung galaxy note, that too me is just too big. By the way its a relief to be at a place where I can name off apple and android products and a riot hasnt broken out and the mods were not called in to police the place. Not to name other places but we have android forums where if you say the word apple people go nuts.