New Survey Finds that 26% of AT&T iPhone Owners Are Intending to Defect to Verizon

New Survey Finds that 26% of AT&T iPhone Owners Are Intending to Defect to Verizon


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Jun 18, 2010
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MacRumors reports today on the results of a new survey from ChangeWave Research that reveals that 26 percent of AT&T’s iPhone customers planned to leave AT&T and sign up with Verizon once it was confirmed that Verizon was getting the iPhone. Although most AT&T iPhone customers are firmly locked into long-term contracts, ChangeWave found that many are still planning to leave AT&T for Verizon anyway, with 41 percent of those who say they plan to move to Verizon saying that they’ll make the move within the first three months of Verizon getting the iPhone, and a further 31 percent saying they will hop over to Verizon within the year.

The respondents polled were professionals and early-adopters, so clearly a tech-savvy sample. Although the survey was actually carried out at the end of December, before Verizon had officially confirmed that it would be getting the iPhone, by that point it was looking extremely likely that a Verizon iPhone was on the way.

According to MacRumors, ChangeWave has also been tracking reports of dropped calls on the major carriers, finding that although AT&T’s dropped call rate fell to 4.7 percent in December from 6 percent in September, it was still way below Verizon’s 1.7 percent.

Source: Survey Claims 26% of AT&T iPhone Customers Planning to Switch to Verizon - Mac Rumors
Will they be able to switch? I thought the technology of the two phones was different. I get the impression you have to buy a "Verizon" iphone to work with Verizon. I really don't know, that is just the feeling I get with all that I am reading.
Of course, they will have to buy a new phone. I'm just hoping that it doesn't bog Verizon down. Although unlike ATT, Verizon has been stress testing their networks for years for this eventuality plus all of the Droid phones that have been around, whereas ATT was caught unaware of how much bandwidth would be needed.
ATT's network sucked long before the iPhone, it's not going to get much better after it opens up on Verizon.

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