NEW to iPhone

NEW to iPhone


New Member
Thread Starter
Apr 28, 2011
Reaction score
The South Eastern USA
Hi everyone... I am new to the iPhone! :)

I am a Christian, wife, mother, grandmother and nurse. I came from a BlackBerry then a Droid X/Incredible.

I have been with the iPhone not a month yet through Verizon. I am enjoying it. I look forward to learning more and visiting here. I was very involved with the Blackberry community forums and hope to do the same here as time permits.

Have a blessed day!!!!
hello and welcome to the iphone forum! it is good to have you here and that you are getting on well with the verizon version :)
My opinion, nurse, no need to jailbreak unless the standard phone as-is doesn't give you what you need.

And welcome here!
Thank you all so much! You have all been very welc:)ming!!

L:):)king forward to learning more about it!

I am loving the iphone4!
Unleashed said:
once you jailbreak and find those apps that make you think WOW.. you wont want to go back to an un jailbroken state

Still reading on it!!!

Will have to have alot if support !

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Thank you again everyone!!! Everyone is real friendly. I was able to get the app for the iPh:)ne f:)rums on my iPh:)ne so I can keep up more!!

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