New Tron Game Coming to the iPhone!

New Tron Game Coming to the iPhone!


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May 27, 2010
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Macworld has the exclusive scoop on the forthcoming TRON iPhone game which is so top-secret it wasn't even on display at E3 along with all the other major console variants. With the Tron: Legacy film set for release in December 2010, every single console has some sort of TRON game on the way, and now Disney Interactive Studios has confirmed to Macworld that the iPhone can be added to that list. All your Tron favourites, such as tanks, 3D recognisers and light cycles will be included in Tron for the iPhone, with Macworld actually getting to play an early tank level where you move with the left virtual joystick and fire with the right. Stephen Saiz, Director of Marketing in Digital Publishing of Disney Interactive Studios told Macworld that Disney is aiming to appeal to "core Tron fans" from the past 30 years with the iPhone game, adding that the lightcycles in the game are very reminiscent of those first used by Jeff Bridges in the original movie. Sounds and looks very promising!

By Maura Sutton
Source: TRON Game Set To Appear on iPhone | Talk iPhone - iPhone News Blog and Forums
Have you seen trailer for the upcoming movie?

that looks sweet, i was going to start developing apps or games but i see so many good free ones out there i think the bar is set very high to be able to charge money for an app or game and people actually wanting it and recomending to friends

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