New Version of Popular Apollo iPad Browser Released: Now Supports iPhone Too

New Version of Popular Apollo iPad Browser Released: Now Supports iPhone Too


iPhoneForums.Net News Team
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Jun 18, 2010
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A while ago we featured an excellent iPad browser from independent developers, Team Apollo. The browser, called Apollo, proved to be very popular with our forum members and with other iPad owners too. Now Team Apollo has just given us the heads-up at iPad Forums that a new version of the Apollo Browser has just been released to the App Store, bringing with it support for iPhone, a brand new UI, as well as new features such as Chrome and Firefox sync, and they've even added an iPadForums icon on the Mac iOS links page, which is very nice indeed!

The Chrome/Firefox sync is a very handy feature, meaning that you can take all your Firefox/Chrome bookmarks, history and even open tabs onto your iPad or iPhone. The Facebook Chat feature was always a popular feature in the first version of Apollo, meaning that you could chat with your Facebook friends from within the browser without having to switch to the Facebook app. Team Apollo also say that they wanted the browser to be suitable for the power user, so they spent a lot of time working on Apollo's multi-tab capability, meaning that it can hold six or seven tabs on iPad 2 and iPhone 4 without having any page reload, unlike Safari, which Team Apollo says will start reloading with three to four tabs.

Other features include the adblock, which is turned on by default, but which can be disabled via the Settings option. This makes for very fast browsing, although the browser is actually impressively fast anyway even without adblock enabled.

Furthermore, Team Apollo says that theirs is the only browser which optimises the Google Reader page into a two-pane layout, giving you a nice free RSS reader along with all the other useful features.

And finally, we have an exclusive feature for iPad owners, namely video popout, which enables split-screen viewing of streaming video and a web page.

Overall, it was an impressive browser the first time around, but now they've made it even better, well worth checking out!

Click here to download the free app: App Store - ApolloBrowser+IM


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