New Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer Wants all Her Employees to Have a Free iPhone

New Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer Wants all Her Employees to Have a Free iPhone


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Jun 18, 2010
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New Yahoo CEO and avowed iPhone fan Marissa Mayer wants all Yahoo employees to have a free iPhone, according to a story today on Business Insider, which says that Mayer, who used to use an iPhone even when she was at Google, is so keen on all her employees having their own iPhone, that she is willing to have them all paid for by Yahoo. Two separate sources close to Yahoo employees told Business Insider about Mayer’s intentions. However, also reporting on the story, Kara Swisher at AllThingsD wrote today that Yahoo’s new CEO was asked last week about the possibility of Yahoo switching from its current use of BlackBerrys by its employees (“Yahoo has largely been a BlackBerry work world”), and she apparently mentioned in a recent executive staff meeting that it was indeed possible that all Yahoo employees would be provided with iPhones, although she also mentioned Android devices as well. No concrete confirmation as yet though.

Source: Marissa Mayer Wants To Give Every Yahoo Employee An iPhone - Business Insider
This Week in MarissYa: iPhones for All, Flickr Love and Exec Changes - Kara Swisher - News - AllThingsD
Oh thats bad,it could have waited a little longer.
I guess that is why her ***Moderation Notice*** self resigned from Google. Over the phone at that!!!
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I'm doing a bit of gentle badgering to see if I can get a 4S out of my boss. I already use my own phone for company emails and texts because I hate the unsmart Samsung that they donated to me over a year ago. I can barely tolerate having the thing in the truck.

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