Newbie from Europe

Newbie from Europe


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Jan 11, 2017
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Greetings and Happy New year to all !
Well...I am new here and wanted to introduce myself. I've been a keen user of Apple / Mac products since its beginnings really. My first IT lesson at school was still on an Apple II programming in Basic in the 1970,s the time considered the best machines with a smashing 64K ram memory ! Quite something at the time...ok, these days even my electronic toothbrush has more memory probably but that is called evolution. first smartphone was an Iphone 3GS 16gb that I still use as a back up phone in case the other Iphone breaks down on me...the other ones having been an Iphone 4S 8gb (that I gave to my daughter) and another 3GS but with 32gb (preferred it to the 4S as it had more memory for all my music) that recently died on me, unfortunately...:( (tried to revive it, new battery, total clean of just about everything, even defibrillation by connecting two fuses to give it a shunt start...nothing worked)

I am looking forward reading bibs and bobs on Iphones from other users on this forum, I know that I will find answers to most of my questions and eventual support in case of problems...without having to go through the tidious service of Apple in this part of the world who rather prefer you to buy the newest and top of the range products & software...Oldtimers / vintage are still considered objects older than 20 years in my books, not a couple of years old and getting the are-you-a-Neanderthaler sort of reaction.

Thanks for having me !!!
Welcome to iPhoneForums, PVK, from another European member, and a happy new year to you as well!

I hope you'll find the information you're looking for on this forum. If not, just ask, there's always someone willing to help with good advice.
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Welcome to iPhone Forums, PVK! We're here to help you with any questions or problems you may have.
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