Newbie here!

Newbie here!


New Member
Thread Starter
Apr 29, 2013
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Beantown, Baby!!
Hi all!! I just recently took the plunge & switched from android, having had several devices over the years starting from when I gave up my Blackberry. I had the I had the LG Ally, Droid Charge, Razr MAXX & finally the Samsung Galaxy S3, but now am the proud owner of a 16gb White iPhone 5!!! Still getting used to the iOS, but so far I'm loving it! :)

Just wanted to say hello & looking forward to being here :)

Hi all!! I just recently took the plunge & switched from android, having had several devices over the years starting from when I gave up my Blackberry. I had the I had the LG Ally, Droid Charge, Razr MAXX & finally the Samsung Galaxy S3, but now am the proud owner of a 16gb White iPhone 5!!! Still getting used to the iOS, but so far I'm loving it! :)

Just wanted to say hello & looking forward to being here :)


Hi, welcome to the forum! Here are a few helpful links. cv| iPhone tips | iPhone Tips & Tricks | What is jailbreaking? | | iPhone Unlocking

Guide for Beginners | Mobile App

Thinking of Jailbreaking but are not sure

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remember…."search" is your friend…..poisonivy…..iPhone and iPad forums moderator

Welcome to the iPhone Forums, one of the best iPhone forums anywhere. You will find members from around the world who are willing to help with any questions or problems you may have. If you have a question and a search of the forum threads doesn't provide the answer you need, don't hesitate to ask questions. If you haven't already done so, please take the time to readour rules before posting.

scifan57, iPhone Forums Moderator
G'day and welcome to the FoRuM!!!! :) :) :)

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