Niantic Pushes Out Pokemon Go Version 1.0.1 Update

Niantic Pushes Out Pokemon Go Version 1.0.1 Update

PhilSynowiec News Team
Thread Starter
Jun 15, 2010
Reaction score
Bay Area, CA
While the launch of Nintendo's new Pokemon Go seemed a bit rocky, the game has been proven to be incredibly successful according to analysts. On Tuesday, developer Niantic released the first update for the augmented reality game, hoping to fix the abundance of bugs and server issues found at launch.

Bringing the version number to 1.0.1, Pokemon Go no longer requires players to repeatedly enter their usernames and passwords after a force log out. The changelog claims to have added stability to Pokemon Trainer Club account log-ins, as well as several crash issues.

I've been obsessively playing the game since it launched last week and have encounter some, if not all, of the issues players are having. Some have reported that the game works better on different carriers, while there are multiple reports that Verizon and T-Mobile are having the most problems. I've been to multiple locations with friends on different carriers, me being on T-Mobile, seemed to have more crashes than my friends on AT&T.

Don't worry folks, you're not alone, bug fixes are coming. Happy hunting!

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