New Member
The newset upcoming droids are really pushing multimedia and ease of use as a portable computer. This has been the name of the game for awhile so to speak but dual core processors, hd video out, and accessories that use your phone as a netbook? It's no wonder Apple is upping their game. We wouldn't want them to fall behind like blackberry has.
I don't really see it dropping like Blackberry but I am not sure if the iPhone is going to get to the point where it has the best features out again. But features aren't everything. Some of the features coming on Droids are just completely unnecessary anyway. I don't need hdmi on the phone. That's what my Bluray player is for. It will definitely be interesting to see where it all goes.
I don't think they'll drop out either but, they do have to make their yearly upgrade better than they have in the past do to competive companies. It just seems like Apple released some of their products without much worry of competition. Almost like blackberries if it isn't broke don't fix it attitude. So that's why I brought that up.
I'll agree alot of the features on the droids are neat they are most definitely unnecessary. But, that sometimes that's what drives people to buy something. Because it can do this, this, and this. Apple does this too with features like Facetime. All I'm really saying is I hope apple has an upcoming ace to stay ahead of the game. Everyone else is catching up faster than apple would've thought and I wanna see what they do next.