Not able to send/receive MMS messages or email with media while on the phone

Not able to send/receive MMS messages or email with media while on the phone


New Member
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Aug 16, 2012
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I have an iPhone 4 with a new Sim card and new out-of-the-box from the Apple store.
The reason is because I noticed recently that when I am on a phone call, I am no longer able to send picture messages (MMS) or email with pictures or video in the email while on the call. Sometimes, the call actually gets disconnected. Of course, AT&T continues to blame Apple and the iPhone for this issue. However, I put my foot down and told AT&T that enough is enough. I should be able to send or receive emails with pictures in them as well as send an MMS with a video or picture in it while I am on the phone. For some reason, I can't do this anymore no matter how many new iPhones Apple gives me. AT&T admits that it's a network issue but they're saying there's nothing they can do. So what am I paying for? Is anyone else having this problem? How can I fix this problem?
Honestly... you've already covered both options of resolution. Apple has replaced your iPhone... and it's still taking place. AT&T has given you a new SIM card... to no avail. My only thoughts would be to request ANOTHER new SIM card. If that doesn't work... get w/ a friend who has an iPhone... or any smartphone that take the micro SIM... and pop your SIM card in their phone and see if the propblem still takes place. That'll rule out whether or not it's the phone... or the cell service.
It has never worked. Hate to be barrier of bad news. I'm a text junkie and love forwards of MMS text jokes. Unfortunately the phone separates each file extension type out. Now why u can't forward video with sound makes no sense. You would think apple would fix this. With being able to get an iPhone now for next to nothing with a new contract EVERYBODY has em and I haven't met one person yet there phone has the capability. You can forward pics with texts and texts with music but it will not let you forward two media types of sound and pic together. One of my biggest disappointment with IPhones. We have 5!! 2 4S and 3 3GS..
Lol. I think I read to much into this one and not sure that its the same flaw with the iPhone that immediately i was disappointed about. It took something so simple that drove me nuts trying to figure out what i was doing wrong, thinking surely a company with the advanced technology of apple would combine an MMS into QuickTime. Sounds somewhat the same however. My issue is when i receive a MMS and would like to forward (send) to a friend the MMS i received is broken down into each 3 file types, 1 for the pic, sound, and text file. And it will not let me send the sound with the pic so I have learned to deal with making the decision of either leaving out the sound or the multimedia picture/video. You state you cannot send/receive mms/email while on a call? If you are not on a call, have you always been able to forward and receive a MMS in its entirety? If so maybe you can help me. Lol.
So it's not the phone. It's AT&T and their network. I've always been able to send MMS while on the phone with pics or video attached. According to AT&T, the min on uploads should be 500kbps and I'm only getting 2kbps while on the phone. No other network can do this yet... That said, AT&T has been treating me like I'm the only one having issues and giving me hell. Yesterday I went to the AT&T store in northern Illinois and learned that the employees have been trying to tell data support about this for WEEKS NOW!!!!. DATA SUPPORT LIED TO ME!!!!! I wanted out.... I was done... bastard liars at AT&T. they said they's his me with the early term fee.! Don't know what to do. I have a log of people I talked to 10 miles long...
Here's the deal... I can send it but at ungodly low speeds. Send a 500k photo at 2kbps and it takes forever. It doesn't happen when on the phone. AT&T admits it's an issue but i'm THE ONLY ONE IN AMERICA GOING THROUGH IT. REALLY?????
We all seem to be having similar problems. We are done with AT&T after this contract. We have 7 phonrs tital on our plan, 2 groups, paid them for 5 iohones. Plus 2 other smartphones and have been loyal customers for over five years. My fiancé has been with them longer and was fortunate enough (at least at the time is was great) to be grandfathered in on the unlimited data plan. Since AT&T has changed the data plans AGAIN, to 30/mon for 3G. Well support was honest enough to let him know that they are purposely sliding data speeds on the ones who was grandfathered in and the only, and I mean ONLY thing they said they could do chance his data. So I do know AT&T can purposely slow data speeds. Which btw, att, because of your greed you will be loosing a contact that was over 5000 yr and customers that were loyal. I refuse to continue giving you my money. Our bill starts each month on the 24. My youngest son has already went over his days. Well we seen the that he already which hid data plan

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