Not able to Update Iphone 3Gs 4.1 Error 3194 ( Tried almost everything )

Not able to Update Iphone 3Gs 4.1 Error 3194 ( Tried almost everything )


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Jan 1, 2013
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Hello guys,

I''m having a trouble upgrading my Unblocked Iphone 3Gs 4.1 to 6.0 or 5.0, but always getting the error 3194, i tried TinyUmbrella to uncheck " Set Hosts to cydia on exit "
and also cleaning the host file, and restoring the Iphone on DFU mode, or in Recovery mode, i've tried almost everthing i found on the internet but i still not able to upgrade it to ios 6.0 or 5.0, i have the latest version of itunes, and i tried to disable the kaspersky antivirus, i really need help guys

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For the 3GS, you're probably going to need to use Pwned DFU mode to do it if you're using iTunes. Or, try using RedSn0w to downgrade instead.
Thank's for your answer, i've already tried with Pwned DFU, but the same error, and please can you tell me how i can downgrade using Rendsn0w
First, check what SHSH blobs you have available. If you're currently jailbroken, open up Cydia and see what iOS are listed on the top of the main page. Otherwise, plug your device into your PC, download and run TinyUmbrella, once your device is plugged in click on your device on the left side bar of devices, then on the top right of the screen, click Save SHSH. Then in the center of the screen, there should be a white box, with several tabs: General, Advanced. By default you should be in General. Wait for the blobs to be listed for your device, then find which iOS blobs you have
SHSH Availible are : iOS 4.1, 6.0.1 what's Next ?
The only iOS you can downgrade to is iOS 4.1. You don't have any iOS 5.X blobs so you can't downgrade to iOS 5. There's no workaround.
The only iOS that you can jump between to and from are 4.1 and 6.0.1. Nothing in between
but i'm facing the same problem jumping to 6.0.1
End the iTunes process. Remove the host.umbrella file, delete the lines in your host file. Flush your DNS. Restore using DFU mode on iTunes.
SHSH Availible are : iOS 4.1, 6.0.1 what's Next ?

If you are lucky your iPhone 3GS may be an "old bootrom" model which will allow you to upgrade to 6.x.x and have an UnTethered jailbreak... use iDetector tool to determine your model iPhone...
Hello, thank you so much for your help, i was able to upgrade to 6.0.1 and jailbreaked , and used Ultrasn0w and fix Ultrasn0w to fix the no service issue, but now i need to use " Just boot " Option from redsn0w evertyime i restart my iphone , is there any way how can i solve this problem ? thank's
Nope. Not until an untethered jailbreak comes out for your new bootrom iPhone. Just don't turn it off or reboot it unless you have a computer near you

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