Now You Can Finally Get Your Hands on an iControlPad for your Jailbroken iPhone

Now You Can Finally Get Your Hands on an iControlPad for your Jailbroken iPhone


iPhoneForums.Net News Team
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Jun 18, 2010
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[ame=]YouTube - New iControlPad prototype playing Super Mario Kart on snes4iphone![/ame]​

Engadget jogs our memories today with the news that the iControlPad that first surface back in 2008 is actually now available to order, with the first units being shipped around February 16. As Engadget notes, the physical control pad add-on adapter was originally going to be just a case with a dock connector, but the final version is apparently much, much better than that, as it now communicates with your iPhone via Bluetooth. In fact, the makers say that it will actually work with any phone/console or computer that has Bluetooth. The iControlPad has a digital Dpad, two analog nubs, six face buttons and two rear buttons, with a side clamp system which means that you can use it with almost any phone. The controller is mainly designed to use with jailbroken phones, but it will also work on an unbroken phone in keyboard mode.

Click here to pre-order the iControlPad for $74.99/£46.70/€54.99:

Source: iControlPad finally available for order, shipping next week -- Engadget
that would make playing games so much easier and less smudges on the screen from touching it constantly

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