Official IOS 7 thread.

Official IOS 7 thread.

Because the servers are so bloated I think the signing of iOS 6 is staying open as opposed to the old 1 hour or less signing window

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Because the servers are so bloated I think the signing of iOS 6 is staying open as opposed to the old 1 hour or less signing window

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When iOS 6 was released, the signing window for iOS 5 remained open for 48 hours. Can we expect something similar this time?

scifan57, iPhone Forums Moderator
I finally got it. Don't do it over the air! Get iTunes 11.1, plug in your device, download and install iOS7. Only took 30 minutes for both.
Still stuck on down load. It looks lie it came down, but does verifying update Sits there for short time then goes to screen SOFTWARE UPDATE UNAVAILABLE AT THIS TIME TRY AGAIN LATER. Seems to be common.....seen it here...but it really SUX

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The curse of Apple iOS. It has the fastest adoption rate of any software ever made. So the first 72 to 96 hours are always the most interesting for upgrading.

Android, Windows Phone, Windows, Linux would all kill for the adoption rate iOS has.
Sigh... I've been a beta user for awhile, but restored back to 6.1.4 to take the "official" OTA. Did a factory reset to start fresh, now my phone won't activate, I'm assuming due to their servers being overloaded. iTunes is doing the same. I guess there's always DFU mode and restore back since iTunes won't load it up unactivated. I'm sure the regular, every day user will love figuring that one out... /s

So in all seriousness - can anybody see a way around this ^^ short of DFU / restore? It's been an hour now, trying continuously on the phone and itunes, with no luck.
After 40 mins to download iOS 7 and then another 30 to install it, I'm loving it so far.
Persistence is the key. Looks like it finally went on i5. We shall see

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lots of downgraders it seems, ive not managed to upgrade yet lol
I spent some time getting rid of rubbish, mainly apps that i never use, should shorten the download time....i hope.
2 things I am liking thus far.

1 block this caller at bottom of contact.

2 new force close. Double tap home key and swipe the preview page up on the app u wanna close.
Anyone know why the update might not be installing after downloading? I am having this problem.

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