Opinions on Incase snap and slider cases

Opinions on Incase snap and slider cases


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Aug 11, 2010
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For my free case, I chose the clear snap on Incase. Not sure I'll like it however and would probably exchange it for something else.

My second choice is the Incase slider case. While it did an excellent job protecting my 3G S, it left many scratches, some very deep and thus I'm apprehensive.

I also liked the other Incase snap on but it had holes throughout it, its no longer on their site though.

Your opinions/experience with any of the 3.

Sidenote, I already have a bumper and while I like it, I always feel I'm gonna scratch the back.
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I dont think you made a bad choice. Ive always bought incase and their cases have never disappointed me. This time i bought apples bumper but that was before incase had an iphone 4 product out. The reason why ive liked incase in the past is because their cases have never broke or cracked on me and they are thin and clean looking.
When i had an incase slider for my 3g/3gs it went perfect with my shield protector. The bumper i have on my 4 also goes perfect with my front and back shield protector. Neither made the screen lift up
I just got the Incase Slider in Black for my iphone4 and it does not work with a screen protector. I am very disappointed that it bubbled my screen protector! I had the slider for my 3gs and loved it so much I also waited for the slider to arrive for the 4. Now i just bought an ifrogz luxe lean which was the best looking option at my local best buy. It is ok, light, slim, and looks pretty good, but doesnt offer near the amount of protection as the Incase Slider. I am pissed. Im waiting on the incase snapcase I ordered from apple as my free case, but I dont think that will be any better than the ifrogz i just bought. If anyone finds a fix or can offer a solution to make the slider work with the screen protector let me know before I try to sand the ledges out as thats the only fix ive read about.
Did you see my incase snap review? I really like it... But like you say top and bottom are not as protected as was the 3GS slider....

I just got the Incase Slider in Black for my iphone4 and it does not work with a screen protector. I am very disappointed that it bubbled my screen protector! I had the slider for my 3gs and loved it so much I also waited for the slider to arrive for the 4. Now i just bought an ifrogz luxe lean which was the best looking option at my local best buy. It is ok, light, slim, and looks pretty good, but doesnt offer near the amount of protection as the Incase Slider. I am pissed. Im waiting on the incase snapcase I ordered from apple as my free case, but I dont think that will be any better than the ifrogz i just bought. If anyone finds a fix or can offer a solution to make the slider work with the screen protector let me know before I try to sand the ledges out as thats the only fix ive read about.

I heard people cutting the edges a bit so the protectors don't lift or bubble up. Im thinking using a ruler and a blade/exacto knife so it's a straight cut.
I actually attempted to cut my "extra" screen protector (I have ifrogz anti glare bought at best buy) and I had no luck. After cutting the film with a xacto knife & ruler the film wouldnt adhere correctly. I think due to the cut pressing the film weird at the new edge. If you figure it out let me know. I would really like to use the slider for this phone as its a very nice case.
Have you checked on SGP screen protectors? Heard they woredk well with incase slider. Thanks!
I have not tried a SGP screen protector. I am waiting first on my $2.85 Stealth Guard that you can find here: Free Apple iPhone 4 Full Body Protection pay shipping that was posted on the forum a lil while ago. I hope that works.

Have you heard of the SGP working with iPhone 4 slider specifically or with 3g or 3gs? I had a power support screen protector on my 3gs and that worked well with my slider, but the iPhone 4 slider seems to be just a way bit tighter than it was on the earlier model.
Have you checked on SGP screen protectors? Heard they woredk well with incase slider. Thanks!

Apparently not. No Screen Protectors work. I also checked out ifrogz luxe (a slider) incipio slider and i forget the other one i checked at the store, but all and any slider seems to f up the screen protectors. Sucks.

I cannot wait for my incase snapcase to get here i just got another new case (griffin reveal) and i really dont like it but i returned my ifrogz luxe lean because the color started peeling off after 5 days of use!!!!!!!!!!
I use the privacy screen protector with the ifrogz case. I found that if you center the screen protector from side to side, and lower it just a bit from the top (use the top piece from the cas to measure how far), you can then lift or "spread" the bottom piece of the case to fit over the screen protector.

The bottom of the ifrogz case is "flimsy" enough to do this due to the fact that is is cut wide open to fit the charger...
I've been using the incase slider and loving it, barely any bulk and it feels solid.
I dont use any screen protectors, I never have since day one with the iphones (back in 07).
Knock on wood I never had any scratches on my screen but then again I never put anything in my pocket than my phone and I never throw it around.
Now having said that, if I had to go with any screen protector, I would probably do the bumper/full body zagg, and again, I hate the orange peel effect but that would be my alternative to incase slider.

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