Otterbox Defender case for iPhone 6

Otterbox Defender case for iPhone 6


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Jun 14, 2013
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San Antonio, FL
I finally picked up my iPhone 6 on Saturday. I am loving it. Anyway, I knew I didn't want to walk out of the store (Best Buy) without a case so I picked up an Otterbox Defender. I've had a Defender case for my iPhone 4 and 5 so I knew I would feel safe with it. As an added benefit Best Buy price matched my case with Amazon and I got it for about $30.00.

I'm actually a little surprised by how thin it is. I'm use to Defender cases being much thicker. Anyway I noticed the screen protector doesn't lie on top of the iPhone screen very well. There seems to be a bit of a gap, and sometimes I have to push the screens two or three times to open something up. It didn't really bother me because in the past I would rip the cover off anyway. Yesterday I was about to cut the screen protector off, but I decided to call Otterbox first. I spoke to a great customer service guy. He explained that what I had was something they refer to as a "trampoline effect". This flaw happened with the first batches. He emailed me a warantee form, I printed it out, filled out about four or five lines, took a pic of it with the case, and now they are sending me a brand new case. It's kinda great really. If anything ever happens to the case I'm getting, I'll have the one I bought as as a spare.

I wanted to post this because I'm sure I'm not the only one here with a Defender case for their new iPhone, and if your case suffers from this "trampoline effect" it is very easy to get a replacement for it.
My wife had the same issue with her Defender. The newer ones are different. I have the older kind that covers the home button on my iP 5. My Wife's 5c had the new one with the cut out over the home button. We bought it from Verizon, but Otter sent her another that fit flush with the phone's screen. I returned the defective case to Verizon. So she ended up with a free case. Otter does have great customer service.

Sent from my ancient but trustworthy iPhone 5
So your saying that best buy price match Amazon...for real !
Good to know and tx

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
So your saying that best buy price match Amazon...for real !
Good to know and tx

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
That is one of the best things about having an iPhone/smart phone. Many stores price match. Before going up to the cash register, do a search on what you're buying. If it's cheaper somewhere else, show the people and ask them to match the price.

I was kind of surprised Best Buy matched Amazon though. Usually stores will only match other stores.
My wife had the same issue with her Defender. The newer ones are different. I have the older kind that covers the home button on my iP 5. My Wife's 5c had the new one with the cut out over the home button. We bought it from Verizon, but Otter sent her another that fit flush with the phone's screen. I returned the defective case to Verizon. So she ended up with a free case. Otter does have great customer service.

Sent from my ancient but trustworthy iPhone 5
I could see someone returning the product if the problem wasn't resolved, but returning the product so you can get something free...

At the end of the day as long as you could sleep at night, whatever.
I got my case yesterday. What an improvement. Not only is the screen protector issue resolved, but the side buttons are MUCH easier to use as well.

I'm very happy I bothered with the warantee process.
I had bought an OtterBox Defender Case for my 6. It has the trampoline effect. I contacted OtterBox CS about it, they sent out a new one. That case did the same thing :-/ Sadly I'm returning my Defender Case because 2-3 tries & it still doesn't lay flat & has a gap between the screen & the case screen.
I always use the Otterbox Defender. On my old 5, I have the older version with the flap that covers the home button. It fits great. But some newer cases don't fit flush with the phone's screen. Should that be the case when I upgrade this September, I'll remove the built in screen and put a glass screen in. Otter does have great customer service.

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