Phone Will Not Connect to Network

Phone Will Not Connect to Network


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Jun 14, 2011
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My iPhone 4 will not connect to my home WiFi network. I go through all of the steps to connect and enter the password (which I created) and get a message that it incorrect. I had to restore my phone yesterday. All other iPhones (and iPads) in family connect. Same settings.
Go to setting-general-reset-reset all settings
After reset all settings, input your wifi info again.
Did not work. I leave my iMac on 24/7 so family can access my iTunes via Home Sharing. I have noticed in past that one of our cats has walked on the keyboard. Maybe this happened again and something is hosed. Guess I will reset the router which will be a pain. I have an Airport Extreme base with an Express as a range expander. Then a TiVo and a PS3 connected, not to mention all the Apple products.
In fact, my phone and one of my daughters will connect to an old network I had built on a Linksys router that I no longer have and has nor been connected in at least 9 months. Weird.

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