Photos taken with the iPhone 12 Series 🖼️

Photos taken with the iPhone 12 Series 🖼️

Now, I am on the amphidrome

Aaarrrghhh...!!! Alien Queen Xenomorph [emoji33][emoji33][emoji33]

Now you’ll have to move out (escape), take off and nuke your house from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure....[emoji12]

Don’t forget Newt behind!

Actually made me jump. I'm a confirmed arachaphobiac -sp?-( phobia/ fear of spiders.). It's actually a common phobia and is real in mental/ physical response. I deal with it. [emoji888][emoji887]
Actually made me jump. I'm a confirmed arachaphobiac -sp?-( phobia/ fear of spiders.). It's actually a common phobia and is real in mental/ physical response. I deal with it. [emoji888][emoji887]

That makes two of us....[emoji28]. I personally believe it’s a genetic response encoded into humans generally, dating back to the dawn of time when there we’re probably arachnids or their prehistoric predecessors almost the size of humans, who likely viewed us as a delectable food source - and dined on us somewhat voraciously....[emoji32]
That makes two of us....[emoji28]. I personally believe it’s a genetic response encoded into humans generally, dating back to the dawn of time when there we’re probably arachnids or their prehistoric predecessors almost the size of humans, who likely viewed us as a delectable food source - and dined on us somewhat voraciously....[emoji32]

Acedemically it should be a non issue but my response is real. I suspect it came from my mother's side of the family as she was bad with it too. I'm one of a twin and my brother is likewise. But my slightly younger sister takes after my father's side without it. Mum was brought up in the Caribbean (Barbados) where you rarely see spiders but if you do, they can be large. But nowhere I know has spiders as big as my wife's country of Guyana ( South America) where bugs can be like on steroids. So can other creepy crawley things but it's a lovely country nonetheless!!
Acedemically it should be a non issue but my response is real. I suspect it came from my mother's side of the family as she was bad with it too. I'm one of a twin and my brother is likewise. But my slightly younger sister takes after my father's side without it. Mum was brought up in the Caribbean (Barbados) where you rarely see spiders but if you do, they can be large. But nowhere I know has spiders as big as my wife's country of Guyana ( South America) where bugs can be like on steroids. So can other creepy crawley things but it's a lovely country nonetheless!!

Here these spiders are harmless ! So, it does not bother me !

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