Pic sent from iphone sideways

Pic sent from iphone sideways


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May 2, 2011
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My problem is... I will take a normal picture with my iphone and when I email it to someone, they receive it sideways. Even tried to my own email.

Have used all the picture sizes and still the same thing.
Does anyyone know why and can I do anything to correct it?
I can't figure out why it does this either. I think it has something do with the fact you hold the phone sideways when taking pictures. If you take a picture holding the phone upright the picture gets sent the correct way.

There's a free app called Rotate Photo that does exactly what it says. It's not the quickest of solutions but it's the best I've managed to come across...
I also have noticed that if say I put something on the table and look down to take the pic it goes sideways. If I'm looking at the wall it is normal. May be the sensor inside in the way you hold it. Try taking a pic on the wall and see if it sends right.
Basically your holding the phone the wrong way, hold it like your going to make a phone call and take pics that way and when you transfer the pics you will see it not sideways because your holding your phone sideways so thats how the pics come out, not sure if there is a way to change that so they come out straight how ever you take the pic though
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I hate that I video in upright but it goes on my comp the other way and cant rotate them
Try to change thr format of the video. Sometimes it makes the difference, not only cause of the quality but your computer might not supporting the one you are using now.
My problem is... I will take a normal picture with my iphone and when I email it to someone, they receive it sideways. Even tried to my own email.

Have used all the picture sizes and still the same thing.
Does anyyone know why and can I do anything to correct it?

Here are links to four short MOV files showing the four orientations for the iPhone 4S. I had to upload them to DropBox for you as all of my available Cloud based mail programs choked on saving or sending these little video files.
I usually record hockey games in Landscape mode with the Home Button of the iPhone on the left side with the screen facing me. That is the mov file IMG_0063.MOV
Apple's QuickTime Player displays it correctly, while the VLC player, which ignores exif flags plays it upside down. So does the Plex Media streamer ignore the flag, so does the thunderbird mail app ignore the flag, and so on. Adobe looks at the exif flags so they get it right.
My movies are of four Post It Notes, each one describing the location of the Home Button. Take a series of four pictures oriented like my test MOV files , then take 4 short MOV files of the same iPhone orientation. If the results are "misoriented" then the software you are using to look at them is ignoring the orientation flages.
For more detail of this subject look at* ImpulseAdventure - JPEG / Exif Orientation and Rotation
JPEG Rotation and EXIF Orientation
Digital Cameras with orientation sensors allow auto-rotation of portrait images. Unfortunately, support for this feature is not widespread or consistently applied.
Digital Cameras with Orientation Sensors
Many newer digital cameras (both dSLR and Point & Shoot digicams) have a built-in orientation sensor. Virtually all Canon and Nikon digital cameras have an orientation sensor. The output of this sensor is used to set the EXIF orientation flag in the image file's metatdata to reflect the positioning of the camera with respect to the ground. Canon calls their sensor the "Intelligent Orientation" sensor. It is presumably a 2-axis tilt sensor, allowing 4 possible orientations to be detected (shown in the left side of the diagram in the link above).
I'm having the same problem. My pictures arrive sideways. If I take them in landscape mode, they arrive upside down. I actually don't think this has been an ongoing problem. I've sent pics from my phone before and have had no complaints. (I have the 4).

Somewhere (here?) I read that there was another program you could put your pics into on the iphone and the pics would arrive right side up.

Does anyone know what I'm talking about?

Very frustrating.
I'm having the same problem. My pictures arrive sideways. If I take them in landscape mode, they arrive upside down. I actually don't think this has been an ongoing problem. I've sent pics from my phone before and have had no complaints. (I have the 4).

Somewhere (here?) I read that there was another program you could put your pics into on the iphone and the pics would arrive right side up.

Does anyone know what I'm talking about?

Very frustrating.

It is a well known problem. Read the explanation message above, posted on 11-27-2011

If you insist on using software that ignores EXIF meta data, then you have to take your pictures with the iPhone held in the position that applies no rotation correction meta data

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