Pissed about lack of SMS features!

Pissed about lack of SMS features!

hey, lets all be nice here. OP, your last post was a bit rude. I dont understand why you cant just type it up when youre ready to send it
Because I want to load up a weeks or a months worth of texts and get thru them by the months end....try being productive sending out 20 texts one by one and see how far u get once 10 of those respond back and now ur trying to respond to 10 and send out the next 10...you can't get anything accomplished....I got upset because why can't ya guys just take me at my word that the save to draft feature is the only thing that will alleviate this...

Im not the first to ask this...

Because I want to load up a weeks or a months worth of texts and get thru them by the months end....try being productive sending out 20 texts one by one and see how far u get once 10 of those respond back and now ur trying to respond to 10 and send out the next 10...you can't get anything accomplished....I got upset because why can't ya guys just take me at my word that the save to draft feature is the only thing that will alleviate this...

We have given you several suggestions to do what you're trying to do but you aren't accepting any of them. I don't see how typing 20 texts at once and then digging through those 20 texts to find the one you need to send is any more productive than typing them out when they need to go out. It's going to take you the same amount of time either way.
Jmills87 said:
We have given you several suggestions to do what you're trying to do but you aren't accepting any of them. I don't see how typing 20 texts at once and then digging through those 20 texts to find the one you need to send is any more productive than typing them out when they need to go out. It's going to take you the same amount of time either way.


That's what I was thinkin'.
Man its not the time its gonna take...jeebus...its WHEN I have to do it...I want to get it done on the weekend non productive time so I can send it out during the week. Also seriously try sending 20 texts out one after the other and see if you ever get to #20 after your inundated with responses...
turbo508 said:
Man its not the time its gonna take...jeebus...its WHEN I have to do it...I want to get it done on the weekend non productive time so I can send it out during the week. Also seriously try sending 20 texts out one after the other and see if you ever get to #20 after your inundated with responses...


I really don't see why one would use there personal phone number and send mass SMS to so many people with they're personal phone number.

I just would never do that.

I would use "Email". Not my actual phone number. And being that your on an iPhone...you can easily read and reply to a large amount of emails.

And personally if I had so many people to send these messages to...And if it was something I had to do fairly often...I would make a separate email account for sending/receiving messages to these people specifically..and not use it for anything else.

And you can even categorize emails into folders (ya know..for certain people I guess) so it just makes way more sense to perform mass communication like that with emails (like everyone else does...developers, companies, etc) instead if letting my iPhone get bombarded with all these SMS from all these people.

If they want my phone number or I want to give to them I would email it to them.

Now I understand that you most likely do not have all there emails..and have there phone numbers instead.....But IMHO I would change that so emails are requires if they want to be contacted.

But if I were you I would not use my personal phone number for business and use emails only...and if a particular person does not have an email...then oh well...it should be stated clearly that you should provide an email or make one and provide it.
They are people who gave me their resume.....so text is much better cause people respond immediately vs days....
I see your point..but if tell them to check they're email..then they do.
If it were me, I would not even consider hiring someone that doesn't respond to an e-mail for 3 days when they are applying for a job hahah :P
Younger generations sometimes go sveral days inbetween checking there emails....so it can be hit or miss.....I like to load up 50 numbers up on sunday that im gonna get in line to interview and then send them as I need to to get the interviews I need.....too busy during the actual week to send them....see what I'm saying? I love bitesms and the scheduler....but I gotta have the save as drafts
Well...I see your pint...but clearly you have no choice.

There is no way to save drafts.

Email "help@bitesms.com"
Makes sure "NOT FAQ" is in the subject field. If it is not, then you will just get an automated response and no one will reply.

Ask the Devs I'd they would consider adding a drafts feature. They will most certainly do it if they find that more users actually want the feature.
Yeh I posted on their forum and emailed them...no response...