I discovered that I by mistake erased all of my notes by mistake since I suddenly had two notes of the same kind. I erased one of them and let the other one be. Then I discovered that all of my notes were gone! I hade very fond memories of the kind that I wrote funny things that my kids had said or done. I had an back up from August 27 so I managed to recover them and everything was fine. I made a new back up and now there gone again!
How can I get a hold of my earlier back up? I really hope this is possible! I had a lot of notes ;-(
Please help me, I don't know where to get help!
I discovered that I by mistake erased all of my notes by mistake since I suddenly had two notes of the same kind. I erased one of them and let the other one be. Then I discovered that all of my notes were gone! I hade very fond memories of the kind that I wrote funny things that my kids had said or done. I had an back up from August 27 so I managed to recover them and everything was fine. I made a new back up and now there gone again!
How can I get a hold of my earlier back up? I really hope this is possible! I had a lot of notes ;-(
Please help me, I don't know where to get help!