See thats just it - it never
had that experience. I clicked - it happened. I think, pound for pound, my DroidX2 was significantly faster than my iPhone4, maybe even a little faster than my iPhone4S - maybe the same... DEFINITELY not slower. At all. Whats more, I have never met anyone who has had bad experiences with an Android phone - and in my neck of the woods, Android phones outnumber the iphone by FAR. In fact, no one around me understands why I switched (it was for a 3rd party app that I needed for school - the android version was garbage, but that was the app makers fault).
Its simply a fact - you usually hear from the upset customers. The happy customers usually tend to be quiet. Like I said - thats just a fact of business that pretty much everyone knows. I mention that because on forums, I too have seen complaints about Android phones. But in real life (at least in
my neck of the woods), everyone seems to love their Android phones.
I love my iPhone. I get teased - quite a bit sometimes, but I like my iPhone and I don't intend to switch anytime soon
Take care,