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Talking Heads - Road to Nowhere

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Amazing video and Amazing song from GnR

I usually assume any video posted by PoisonIvy will be the fantastic GnR. My particular poison is Rush. The Garden will show you why.

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I love my Rock music but i have a softer side too and this song is just wonderful

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Wow, Who was driving Kevin?

That video has been on Youtube for years. It's an Aussie called "DingoesAteMyBaby". (I'm not even going there.) As a trucker, I'm very impressed. I can do it in theory, but I've never driven a triple, so i'm talking very theoretical here.

Lots of people in N America see that video , and say "Wow. He did it on the blind side too." but of course, the truck is right hand drive, so it's a bit easier than it first appears. Only a bit, mind you.
I'm going to guess this will be new to everyone here. This is a great listen.

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