Problem with my Iphone4/iTunes

Problem with my Iphone4/iTunes


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May 14, 2012
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Okay this is my issue. My wife and I have iPhone 4 I have kept up to speed with updating my software on a friend of mine computer. So I am able to update via Wifi. My wife has recently updated her software on iTunes but we ran into a problem. The phones are in my name and I linked them with my appleID so that we can use the same apps at the apps store. But now we have a serious issue when she updated the software somehow my wife has linked something, I don't know if it's iCloud or what but when I send iMessages she gets the message as do I. I did not sign up for iCloud but my wife somehow did I want help on correcting this issue. I can't even FaceTime her or anyone else without a problem.

Please help me rectify this issue.
You can setup both devices with different iCloud Accounts but use the same iTunes App store account. Since you have everything tied to one account, the duplicate iCloud settings are doing exactly what is supposed to do. Keep both phones synced to each other. And that is the affect you are seeing.

So delete the iClound account on your phone and create a new one. You MAY have to temporarily sign out from the App Store to do this. I haven't played with this in about 8 months so my memory is rusty.

Hopefully someone with more recent experience can chime in.
Ok I figured it out I had to tell her to change all the email addresses that were in mine change to hers and that fixed our issue thanks a lot