Re the Coronavirus

Re the Coronavirus

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I heard a news report a few days ago that police were searching for a young woman who posted a message either on FaceBook or some such site that (1) she had the virus, and (2) she was out to infect other people. The U.S. Attorney General notified all state and local police that anyone who does this sort of thing or something similar be arrested for "terroristic threats."

Today, I read that police found the young woman and arrested her. She can be released on a $20K bail bond with the proviso that she go into a 21 day isolation period following her release. I imagine this must be a felony. I hope she is found guilty. Any 18 year old that would threaten to do something like this, whether or not she has the capacity to carry out the threat, is a waiting-to-become 40 year old three time loser whom the tax payers will have to pay to keep incarcerated for years and years and years. Even if someone like this manages to stay out of prison for most of his/her life, you can bet your last dollar that the tax payers still will end up supporting her and her illegitimate offspring for most if not all of their lives.

Problems with people like this seem to be generational. I wish I knew the answer as to how society could stop this vicious cycle. I screened a compelling programme on PBS recently entitled "Broken Places." The programme focused on how some very young children who exposed to extreme stress are physically forever changed by it. It tracked some of these young people over 20+ years. None of us would be surprised to find out that it is a cycle that repeats over and over again. The experts interviewed on the programme claimed if society could intervene at the start of a child's life, the cycle could be broken, and the cost would be minimal compared to what they cost us later in terms of arrests and the justice system, out of wedlock births, loss to GDP, etc.

Is it just me, or does it virtually always seem to be some trashy, uneducated, uncultured, low-life waste-of-space that does things like this?

It just keeps getting crazier by the day..... o_O

ETA: I found a link on it.

Video: Police search for girl with COVID-19 threatening to infect others | Daily Mail Online
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Some people are nuts. Attention seeking or seriously ill?

A couple of days ago we had a couple of young men arrested for licking their hands and wiping their hands on produce.

“Staff were forced to thoroughly disinfect the store and destroy products, Lancashire Police said.”

‘Good Friday’ coming up; a public holiday in the UK- except for all those critical workers: doctors, nurses, care workers, police, ambulance personnel, etc.
Most of the rest, non-criticals, are on lockdown.
I took my dog to the park yesterday early evening. I have walked at that park for many, many years. I have never seen so many people there as I do now. I saw some people on the ground with blankets having picnics. Nearby, I saw one of those ice cream trucks, and there was a queue to buy ice cream. I seldom see those trucks anymore as they are more or less relics of a bygone age, but I was furious to see it there. I was not happy about the picnickers either.
Interesting article.

Perhaps people caught purposefully trying to spread the virus should be put in the same room as someone who has it. Give them a face-mask and let them observe the real effect of their stupidity. A lesson they will never forget and may very well discourage others from trying.
My friend was able to do a Facetime(?) contact with her brother. She said he had a tube in his nose and was in restraints as he had become conscious and tried to tear an I.V. out of his arm. She said he never even opened his eyes, and she was not sure he even realised she was there via the Facetime thing. He looked awful, and she was rather sorry she initiated the contact.

She is not sure how much longer he is going last. He had been in very poor health for quite some time now. Really, the kindest, most humane thing would have been to stop his dialysis a long time ago. He would have slipped into a coma and passed peacefully.

I do not understand the medical establishment. Once someone has zero quality of life and is so sick that they are indisputably dying, why will they not just let the person pass in peace? I recall another friend told me a few years ago how his father finally passed from bladder cancer. He said the suffering was horrible, and both his father and he and his siblings wanted the doctors to help his father to pass, but they would not do it. We would help a suffering animal to pass, but in this country we will not do it for a human being. It is insane. :(
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:eek: More than half a million confirmed cases in the U.S. now, and at least 20,389 deaths. Every state is listed as a disaster area now.

New Jersey only has 61 ventilators left in its state warehouse. 550 crew on the U.S.S. Theodore Roosevelt have tested positive for the virus. 714 New York fire fighters have tested positive. 237 Chicago police tested positive. 343 NYC homeless have tested positive.

Coronavirus live updates: US reaches half a million cases - CNN
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This low-life has a post up on the CL site that he has 1500 loo rolls and 240 cans of Lysol. Said he would negociate on large purchases. :mad:

I have not been able to find a single can of Lysol spray for a month now. :mad:

EDITED - no links to such sites

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>> ... he has 1500 loo rolls and 240 cans of Lysol. Said he would negociate on large purchases.

The BBC news had an item on the vast amount of fraud relating to the Coronavirus on the internet. People selling face masks, disinfectant, etc. One advertised a complete cure for the Coronavirus.

Many of the websites, apparently, seemed to originate in parts of Africa and many people have been conned into ordering and paying in advance for non-existent products, especially in bulk. The figure quoted was of the order of £1.5m.

If you see Lysol, etc. advertised for sale anywhere other than a source you know of, e.g. known shop/store, I would tread very carefully, if not run in the other direction.
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