Well, with the grace of God and the help of a spoon, (an old punch line) I managed to recover my contacts. Hooray for me! But some of what I learned along the way will stick with me and continue to annoy me for a good long while.
The good part is that I had a backup in iTunes. The not-so-good part is that it was three months old. But at least most of my contacts were there.
What's going to annoy me is that after you (J.A.) went to the trouble of discovering some websites offering to recover a person's contacts via a free download, the website pages were weasel-worded to cause one to think the service was free. The ones I looked into all said "free download". And that part was true. The download was free. But once you had downloaded they offered to sell you a package for $50-$70 or you could try a free sample of the package.
That's when you learn that the free sample didn't cover what you needed or, if it did, no results were obtained when you ran the free portion. In my mind, they all just oozed 'scam'.
Another thing they did was a given seller of a package used three or more different names so you thought you were checking out numerous sellers when they were all the same outfit. I'm sometimes very glad I'm a born skeptic.
Anyway, J.A., thank you, thank you for your efforts on my behalf. After I'd had my fill of checking out a number of less than desirable sellers I went to iTunes to see if I had an existing backup to restore from. From there it got easier.
I really appreciate all the help I've received from folks at this forum/website. You're an immense help and source of knowledge. Thank you very much.