Reluctant Conversion to the Evil Empire...

Reluctant Conversion to the Evil Empire...


New Member
Thread Starter
Apr 1, 2012
Reaction score
Northern Utah
I've had an I-4, it was ok. I'm pretty happy with Android but work switched to 4s so I'm making the best of it. I was relieved to see the improvements on the latest os update. Hope you guys dont mind a bunch of questions. I really want to make the best of this. I'm very fond og my 4th Gen Touch so I'm not an Empire Hater, I'm just going to miss my Android :)
Ask away on any question. The Android devices look fine, work well; but I keep reading about many of the drawbacks: viruses, SPAM, etc, on the Androids. I'd rather put up with Apple's idiotic iTunes requirements (I don't know yet how idiotic iCloud is..... anyone??) than have a device filled with SPAM and ads and viruses.

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