Remote Desktop

Remote Desktop

Please advise:I use a DYNDNS account to log onto my pc at work.What suitable remote desktop can I use for my Iphone4 and do I download app using my phone or do I download it onto my pc and then load onto my phone??I read Teamviewer would be good but then you have to have someone supply an ID on the otherside??
Advice would be greatly appreciated from those in the Know??

Thanks in advance

You will need the ID and password the first time you connect but after that you can connect when/wherever you want. You can set up a password on your phone so only you can gain access from your phone...
I use teamviewer and like it was stated, the password and user id are saved and you can always reconnect. Only time it needed to be re-entered in the phone was after doing iphone update.

I will have to check out the pocketcloud.
Great app so far. Only took a few minutes to set up and I have access from my iPad and iphone4. One thing I noticed is I have the capability for file transfer from a PC but not from the mobile app. Sent tech support a question on this so we'll see what the say. Still a great app.