Replacing iphones

Replacing iphones


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Mar 22, 2014
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Hii guys!
A friend of mine and myself want to switch between our iphones (both iphone 4), and want all the current Mail/contacts/apps/etc to be backed up and restored to the different device.
I'd like to know what's the best method for this. I've heard you can do this with icloud but it only comes with 5 gig's for free. will backing up on the computer via Itunes will do the trick?
Apps and app purchases can be synced to iTunes then restored via iTunes again. App data, contacts, notes, pictures, camera recordings, calendar, preferences and settings, bookmarks, etc, can be backed up using iTunes. Mail data are stored on the providing servers so it doesn't matter if you back them up or not. Music, movies, iBooks, and other DMCA/DRM media cannot be backed up via iCloud or iTunes.

Also note that you can only switch devices if both devices are from the same carrier, or if both devices are unlocked GSM models. You cannot switch between a GSM and a CDMA iPhone

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Thanks alot!
so if I just use the Backup feature on itunes with "backup on this computer" option checked, all the apps are stored and can be restored? or is there another prosses for apps and apps purchases?
Thanks alot!
so if I just use the Backup feature on itunes with "backup on this computer" option checked, all the apps are stored and can be restored? or is there another prosses for apps and apps purchases?

Your non-app/media data will be backed up during the process. Either before or after the backup of non-app/media data, there should be a message that comes up asking if you want to transfer your apps and app purchases to iTunes, that will backup your applications. I believe when you sync your device, it also has a message asking you to transfer your apps
Just done this myself. I transferred the contents of my iPhone 4 to my shiny new 5s. Encrypt the backup on your computer and you won't need to remember your passwords. They will all transfer to the new device. If you don't encrypt, you will have to enter them manually.

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