Restore from backup help

Restore from backup help


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Mar 10, 2012
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Boise, ID
So, I just got my iPhone 4S replaced due to the power button not working. I performed an iTunes backup while it was on iOS 6.0.1. I initially activated my iPhone, updated to iOS 6.0.1, and then erased all content and settings, and then restored from an iTunes backup.

Now, when I do the initial restore, I see my icon layout and everything as it was before. But the apps are not syncing over to the iPhone automatically like it did with iTunes 10. I have iTunes 11 on an iMac running Mountain Lion. I have 127 apps, and it'd be a pain to have to arrange them all over again. Anyone know of what I can do to get this to work properly? Whenever I press the sync button, the layout goes to how it is on the iPhone (nothing on it) and then gives me the option to install each app one at a time. Thanks for any help!
What I don't get is the erased all content and settings. Did you perform a reset on the device itself in And if your iPhone was already on iOS 6.0.1, why would you need to update it to 6.0.1 again and erase the settings. If you restore to another iOS, everything is deleted and cleared off of your device.
When I initially got the iPhone, it was at iOS 6. So I updated it to iOS 6.0.1 because my computer is very picky about updating iOS software using it. Once I had it at iOS 6.0.1, I erased all content and settings so my computer will work with it again.

Now, through some troubleshooting, it looks like if you don't have the "Automatically install new apps" checkbox checked in iTunes 11, it won't sync through the iTunes Backup automatically. I'm trying a restore from backup again, and as soon as I can select that option, I'm going to see if it will work this time. (Also, some of my apps needed updating in iTunes, so I just did that as well.)

I will keep you posted. Thank you!
Never use the Erase All Contents and Settings on the iPhone. That is one of the top causes of bricks and problems. Always restore again using iTunes if you want to clean your phone out.
Well, here's the issue now... That worked to get the apps to sync. However, not all the apps are syncing, and on the apps that aren't syncing, the app data isn't even located on the iPhone.

However, using iExplorer, I can see the app data backed up under those apps and contained in that backup. It's beyond me why those apps aren't syncing back over and the app data isn't getting loaded back onto the iPhone....

Any ideas there? Or is anyone familiar with iExplorer enough to know of any tricks to get it set up the same way? Thank you again!
Did you download those apps on iTunes or did you download it through the AppStore directly on the iPhone. If you downloaded it directly onto the device, you'll have to manually sync it, then back it up to the computer before it can sync the app back to the device. Otherwise, you'll have to manually download it again from iTunes or the AppStore.
I downloaded them all directly to the iPhone, and then did transfer purchases before backing up. All my apps that were on my previous iPhone are now in iTunes, and theoretically should sync over. I've tried a few times now, and it's randomly deciding which apps it wants to sync...

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