Restoring (SMS) messages

Restoring (SMS) messages


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May 14, 2022
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I traded my Iphone 11 in at Apple for a 13 Pro Max in February this year . The old phone was backed up at the store. Recently I discovered that many of my old sms messages are missing from my new phone. Can I restore the messages from the old phone to my new iphone using the backup from February without losing the data accumulated since the trade in? Advice would be highly appreciated.
I assumed you backed up your old phone to iCloud. If so then you should be able to restore that backup to your new iPhone and that should include your text messages.
I was afraid of erasing all content from my new phone after 3 months of use to be able to restore the phone with the icloud backup. The data accumulated since February would be lost? What am I missing here?
If you restore from the backup from February, data you‘ve gatherd since then will be lost.

Do you use iCloud for Messages? Your conversations are supposed to show up automatically on the new device, once you sign in to iCloud.
I did´t use my iCloud for messages on the old phone. To explain the missing sms messages, which presumably were mostly between my iphone and android phones, I guess that the new phone was set up in the Apple store without using the backup of the old iphone. Almost all of the data showing up on the new device from syncing with icloud. If I can find an "unused" iphone which I can erase and set up with the backup from February there might be a solution in using a third party app/program to locate and transfer the specific missing messages from the temporary device to my new iphone. Am I reasoning this right? Or is there an easier solution?
I did´t use my iCloud for messages on the old phone. To explain the missing sms messages, which presumably were mostly between my iphone and android phones, I guess that the new phone was set up in the Apple store without using the backup of the old iphone. Almost all of the data showing up on the new device from syncing with icloud. If I can find an "unused" iphone which I can erase and set up with the backup from February there might be a solution in using a third party app/program to locate and transfer the specific missing messages from the temporary device to my new iphone. Am I reasoning this right? Or is there an easier solution?

As stated above, the backup will only restore the messages that were backed up in February. Any SMS messages afterwards will be lost unless you have a more recent backup containing those messages.

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