Ringtones won't change

Ringtones won't change


New Member
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Sep 23, 2011
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I have recently purchased an iPhone 4 and am generally thrilled with it. My wife has one too and we have changed our ringtones from the default (SMS and phone) so we know we are calling. I have also changed my ringtones for other contacts, but the difference is that for every one apart from my wife's number they have been changed successfully. When my wife phones or texts they are 'stuck' on the default tones. The phone is not jailbroken and I haven't downloaded any custom tones - the phone is completely 'standard'. I have done the usual on/off stuff and a soft reset but, only for my wife's number, they still won't change from the default!! I could always change my wife, but I hope there is an easier fix ...
Try hard resetting. Hold the power button and home button until you see the apple logo and release.


Try removing your wife's contact info and re adding it back and changing the tones from there.
Thank you .. I have hard reset and deleted and re-entered my wife's details - neither have worked. Some more info though .. Our home number (landline) which I have saved with my wife's iPhone number (I.e. Under the same contact) does use the personal ringtone and SMS tone; not the default. Also, last night my wife phoned me on her iPhone and the ringtone for her sounded (NOT the default I.e. It worked correctly). However we lost the signal. When she phoned back the default sounded again!! I know it's not the biggest of problems but it's sure annoying ..
I've sorted this .. I had saved my wife's details twice under different names .. Once her full name and once her first name followed by the word "mobile" .. They were therefore not next to each other and I hadn't spotted the duplication .. If you have saved the same number twice in your contacts it will default to the default ringtone, whatever other ringtone you may have chosen, it seems .. Hope this may be of use to someone else in the future.

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