Safari Problems

Safari Problems


New Member
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Jun 10, 2012
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Hey guys, i've been having problems with opening up Safari after i jailbroke my 3GS. i originally jailbroke ios 5.1.1 with absinthe, and safari was crashing every time i opened it up. I restored my iphone, and re-jailbroke it with Redsn0w, thinking it would fix the problem, but its still doing the same thing. Any thoughts on what I could do?
What happens when you open Safari? What happens when you try to open a page in safari from another application such as an rss reader?

Can you try another browser? Did you install any tweaks that change default browser (I would remove those first)
I open safari, it acts like its about to load up, and then crashes. every time. and it crashes when i open it from another app as well.

i've been using Puffin Browser pro to substitute, and i installed adblocker or something like that.. but it was happening before i added that app.
oh yeah i've gone through the whole shabang many times now. resetting, hard reset, restoring, and nothing.

it does however work in safe mode, so im thinking i can just settle with that. but i would like to use safari download manager so its a difficult bind im in haha
Aspen said:
oh yeah i've gone through the whole shabang many times now. resetting, hard reset, restoring, and nothing.

it does however work in safe mode, so im thinking i can just settle with that. but i would like to use safari download manager so its a difficult bind im in haha

Ok so you do have safari browser tweaks loaded. Why don't you try removing those. It's either something you are bringing in with backup restore or a specific tweak. It should not be difficult to fix. It definitely is not related to a clean cydia install.
i uninstalled some tweaks for it, and its working again! thanks for the tips!

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