Set up new iPhone without using my husbands applid

Set up new iPhone without using my husbands applid


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Feb 23, 2014
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Over the years we have used Itunes to get tunes for our iPods using my husbands id. We also did the same for my first iPhone 3gs. When setting up the iPhone 4s, iTunes restores my husbands id and my contacts and pics. I have set up a new Apple id but it gets overwritten. I am thinking about the following:

Back up contacts, pics, and videos using something other than itunes (copy trans).
erase the phone and re-set it up.
Use icloud to backup
restore contacts, pics, and videos with CopyTrans.

Will this work. If I connect to Itunes and backup, wil it have a different phone name?
The best thing to do at this point is to have your own computer for use, or, if you're sharing the same computer, possibly create your own administrative user so that you won't have to deal with AppleID conflicts or forgetting to log out of each other's AppleIDs when managing your own individual devices.

To start fresh, log into iTunes on your computer using your own AppleID by clicking on the Store tab on the top, then clicking Sign In.... From here, there are two paths you can take

  1. Log out of your husband's AppleID in iCloud and the AppStore on your device. Log into iCloud on your AppleID to establish a link between your AppleID and your phone. Backup the device, then restore afresh, and restore the backup, then delete any of your husband's data that was already on your device that was now restored to your device again, and your device should now be independent of your husband's ID. This is assuming you want to start as fresh as possible.
  2. Log out of your husband's AppleID in iCloud and the AppStore on your device, then delete all of your husband's data and all of the apps purchased under his name. Log into iCloud and the AppStore using your AppleID and continue using. This is assuming that you don't want to go through restoring the device, which would mean you would have to manually delete apps one by one, and would lead to the possibility of residual data.
That seems to have worked. I had difficulty logging out of iCloud and found I also had to logout of email and other . Thank Ypu.:)

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