setting icons

setting icons


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Oct 19, 2011
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What app do I need to get to be able to put icons where I want them on the screen without the phone autofilling that space that I just moved an icon from? I installed a theme and I want part of the screen to be blank, but when I move an icon another one moves over and fills that space.

Also, what app or functions to hide the screensaver clock?


"GridLock" is the one you are looking for. Buy it from cydia.
As for the lock screen clock look for "lockscreen clock hide" tweak in cydia
Take your time to read through those tweaks description to make sure that they are fully compatible with the version of your iOS before installing them.
Awesome, thank you, just what I was looking for. One more question (for now lol), there is a small clock (just the time) at the end of my unlock slider and partially off the screen. I also have a clock on the lock screen in another spot. How do I get rid of the time at the end of the slider.

Only had the iphone for a month (longtime droid user) and just jailbroke a week ago, but this is fun lol.
Awesome, thank you, just what I was looking for. One more question (for now lol), there is a small clock (just the time) at the end of my unlock slider and partially off the screen. I also have a clock on the lock screen in another spot. How do I get rid of the time at the end of the slider.

Only had the iphone for a month (longtime droid user) and just jailbroke a week ago, but this is fun lol.

Sorry but I don't know how to do that. I know you will need to ssh through the system file and modify some files, but which files? What location? I have no clue.
Okay, I lied, another question lol. I have several choices for keyboards in winterboard themes and colorkeyboard installed, but it doesn't matter which one I choose, I only get the stock keyboard. I can change colors through colorkeyboard, but the themed keyboards (on is included in the theme I just purchased) doesn't ever show up after choosing it in winterboard and respringing. Ideas?

Oh yea, I am also running bitesms for my texting program. But stock messaging app shows same keyboard.
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