That was great, and without an explanation how to do it.
You do have a signature. It's "Sent from my Silver iPhone". Would you like to add something else?
I figured out the problem.
When I was sending mail, I was using my app for yahoo mail or gmail.
When I sent mail with Yahoo it says.........'Sent from Yahoo mail for iPhone.'
When I sent mail with Gmail it says .........'Sent from Yahoo mail for iPhone.'
But when I use the Mail APP from Apple it has my signature.....sent from my Silver iPhone7.
And I get the swoosh as well.....
It worked all the time. I was just using the wrong function.
Do you use Siri very often ? I was clowning around this afternoon and I asked it how much wood could a wood chuck chuck if it could chuck wood?
And Siri said African or European? And I said African and she went into this diatribe about woodchucks chucking wood if they was funny. At least I was amused.
Thanks for your help.