Share your iphone 5s delivery estimate!

Share your iphone 5s delivery estimate!

For anyone who ordered via VZW on line, be advised the web page for estimated delivery date is not accurate, and it is not being updated in most cases. Case in point, my order delivery date still shows 9/24, but is actually 10/7. For a more accurate delivery date, the only way is to contact VZW support.

I ordered two from VZW, 16GB gold for my wife, 16GB space grey for myself, on 9/21 and was given estimated delivery dates of 11/4 and 10/14, respectively.

I contacted VZW support today and was told that those dates, although accurate in their system, are generally pessimistic; the worst case scenario. In other words, that I could (and should) expect actual delivery earlier than those estimated delivery dates. I guess we'll see.....
Mine is delivered today! 16gb gold unlocked directly from apple.

Quiet like the color, thought the needle for the sim tray is missing, weird, everything else seems to be there.

So happy it is delivered a few days earlier than the earliest estimate.
I went to the Apple store in Honolulu
about 7:30 pm yesterday and walked
out with my 32G Silver iPhone 5s at
8:15 pm. Upgrade to my AT&T after
selling my iPhone 5 last week.
Was very happy that the Silver 5s
looks exactly like the white iPhone 5.
The new 5s is outstanding but took
me a while to set it up like I like.
Good luck everybody.
Please share your carrier, when and where you ordered, and your original ship by date. Sorry for the requests, just trying to figure out how the orders are being distributed.

I ordered my AT&T Gold 16GB iPhone 5S through the Apple website right when it went live. Said it would ship in 1-3 days & be delivered between Sept. 27 & Oct. 1st. It shipped on Monday the 23rd & I received it Wednesday the 25th.
I ordered a 32GB gold 5s for AT&T. AT&T's site was HORRIBLE and Apple's was silky smooth. Having said that, I did order within the first TEN minutes and watched my shipment ETA go from 1-3 to 7-10 business days…in under 10 minutes!!! That's ridiculous! I received my order confirmation at 12:11am PT/3:11am ET.

And no, it wasn't because so many more people ordered iPhones either! The ridiculously low (and sometimes absent altogether) stock of enough iPhones 5s devices was and continues to be the culprit. Not cool on Apple's part for teasing the 20th, and then so many people were disappointed. I knew something was up the minute I found out that there were not going to be pre-orders for the 5S, only the 5C. I've pre-ordered the 4S and 5 last year and everything was always perfect. I've been conditioned to expect the best from Apple and this was not one of its glorious moments.

How many of you have received yours? And does last Friday count as one of the 7-10 business days? LOL...I know, I know. IMO, it should, because it was just TEN minutes into the day, so we're on business day #6 today, Friday, Sept. 27, right? (and yes, first world "problems", I know lol)
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Ordered my iPhone 5s Gold 16gb 9/19/13 @ 11:56pm pst via att website. delivery date 10/1-10/31. Updated 09/28/13 stating shipped via fed ex. phone came from fort worth texas, then went to memphis tennesse, now in oakland. with delivery date of Monday 09/30/13 @ 3:00 pm pst.
Just posted this on another thread. Ordered Friday night 9/27 on AT&T website. Initial estimate said ship date of Oct 7 - Oct 17th. Got email yesterday my phone shipped!! Is currently in Memphis TN and will be here Monday 9/30 by 8:00pm. That was fast and surprising.
Thanks for the updates... This is great news and what I was hoping for. Inventory is starting to move through distribution channels and carriers were over quoting delivery estimates. I'll be eager to see some vzw phones with October delivery dates start breaking loose.
I'm in the U.K and I'm getting my 32gb Space Grey 5s on 8th October .............can't wait !!!!

Thats my delivery date as well, so annoying that the dispatch time for the C is 24 hours and the S is October... but well worth the wait :D
I walked into apple store for new battery for my 5. While there we asked what was in stock because wife was thinking of trading in her 4s. Long story short, we walked out with gray 32g AT&T 5s. No problems and plenty in stock.
My phone is at my doorstep as we speak. Was delivered at 10am this morning just 60 hours after placing order! Can't wait to get home to activate it.
:). Thanks. It's here and I'm starting the activation process as we speak. It's the exact phone I ordered and not a scratch on it. Woo hoo.

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