Should I update 4.2.1?

Should I update 4.2.1?


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Nov 12, 2010
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My iphone 4 is 4.1(8B117) and I jailbroken it with greenpoison, Im planning to upgrade it with iTunes to 4.2, is 4.2 in iTunes desame as the 4.2.1 that I always see in forums? Where can i get 4.2.1? should I update to 4.2 first before updating 4.2.1? What should I do? please help me. thank you:D
hi there.. your situation is the same with me.. the itune 4.2 is 4.2.1 update, they only put 4.2.. for what i do is i just upgrade to 4.2.1 directly from the itune download only, cuz my internet is so slow.. i download first.. the big thing why i upgrade to 4.2.1 bcuz of the greenposion untether jb.. so many thing will change if you upgrade to 4.2.1.. sory for my bad english.. cheers ^_^

I updated from 4.1(JB) to 4.2.1(JB) and it wasnt really much of an update. It also took ages as I had to back up my app data. I should have just left and and advise you to do the same.
The only real thing you would want to uptate to 4.2.1 for is you can use find my iphne for free...
The Find My Iphone upgrade is fine, but overall, if you have 4.1, be happy and stay put. Just my opinion. Too many stories abound with problems after the upgrade. However, getting a new phone w/ 4.2.1 is fine. Somehow, the "upgrade" process has a way of mucking up the waters -- just like a Windows OS "upgrade."
i did the update and i regret it and wish i would have saved my 4.1 blobs cause 4.2 runs like crap for me and i have tried both greenp0sion and sn0wbreeze jailbreak and both run like crap
I have no issues with 4.2 besides some jailbreak apps that have not been updates have glitches

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