Jailbreaking has nothing to do with SHSH blobs. Your case is that you want to unlock. Even if you have iOS 6.1.2 blobs saved, you still can't unlock the device since there isn't an UltraSn0w fixer for anything above iOS 6.1.
And where can I find the 6.1.2.shsh blobs? I can't Jailbreack iPhone without it. I didn't know, that I must save it.

If you didn't save the SHSH blobs for iOS 6.1.2 when Apple was still signing it, there is no way to get those blobs after the fact.
OK. How can I use other carriers with my iPhone 3 GS?

You only have 2 ways to unlock your device

1. If you have an iOS 6.1 or below SHSH blob saved so you can use UltraSn0w and the UltraSn0w Fixer

2. Downgrade to iOS 4.1 and unlock using UltraSn0w and have a 95% app/tweak incompatibility from both the AppStore and Cydia

Otherwise, you'll have to buy an IMEI unlock or get an unlock from the original carrier of the device to permanently unlock your device
Thanks a lot. One more question. Does enybody know where can I buy IMEI unlock? (of course the trusted one)

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