Siri might be your first warm, charming artificial friend, but as it usually turns out in life, not everybody seems to think so. So last month, Googles chairman Eric Schmidt made an interesting little statement about Apples personal assistant. He seems to think that Siris technology threatens Googles search business, pointing out that voice technology might cast a shadow on Googles market dominance.
From Googles perspective, Siri introduces a brand new element in the search battle. Its all about how Siri works. When users ask Siri a question, she searches the smartphone and the Internet in look for an answer. At the moment, Siri uses Yelp to get the business information and does calculation and data analysis with the help of Wolfram Alpha. So this means that Siri gracefully skips Google in her search query. Surely Apple will add other sources of information in the future. Siri is just beta at the moment, which implies that a much more sophisticated and bug free version will pop out soon enough.
Schmidt has already admitted that Siri is a significant development and that its effectiveness has sort of taken Google by surprise. He stated that Google already has a whole host of able competitors but somehow the search giant failed to anticipate the competition posed by different methods of accessing information. Android is coming from behind strong, and has already put out a Siri version of its own called Iris, developed by Dexetra.
So far, Apple has effectively by-passed Google, and Schmidt has identified this as a threat. Its interesting to wait and see what Google can do about it?
Source: maindevice