sorry if this has been asked but JB ios5 thoughts

sorry if this has been asked but JB ios5 thoughts


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Apr 24, 2011
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has anyone JB ios 5 beta 2? if so what are your thoughts and is it worth doing although its a tethered jb? i see that beta 2 is a lot less buggy and seems to support better .... also if i dnt wanna be jb for any reason is it as easy as restoring back to beta 2 on itunes? thanks for any suggestions and once again sorry if this has been asked but i wanna make sure i can unjailbreak if i want to at any moment ... been hearing that its hard or impossible to downgrade from ios 5
^ wow really ? thats crazy... i know its a beta and all but NONE working.... hmmm i have heard mixed things about it ... can you answer this? Q: if i add cydia and jailbreak my device is it easily unjailbroken by restoring to beta 2?
^ wow really ? thats crazy... i know its a beta and all but NONE working.... hmmm i have heard mixed things about it ... can you answer this? Q: if i add cydia and jailbreak my device is it easily unjailbroken by restoring to beta 2?

well im sure some of them do maybe, he does not mention what apps he had tried... but im not surprised at all because the devs have not had the chance to port to 5.0 yet and with there being a tethered only jb not as many want to do it and most have not even upgraded to 5.0 yet so probably they see not point in porting yet or are working on it now
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